Today: Thursday, 13 March 2025
Educational Science
The effect of early maladaptive schemas on interpersonal intelligence and social interactions
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 86 - 90
Author(s) : Mohammad Mohsen Azizi* 1 , Shadi Shukri 2 , Mohadese Qadian Khorshidi 3 , Haniyeh Khani Kor 4 , Maedeh Ebrahimi 5
1 Research Center of Baqiyatallah Azam University of Medical Sciences
2 Bachelor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen
3 Bachelor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen
4 Bachelor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen
5 Bachelor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen
Abstract :
Background and Purpose: The phenomenon of intelligence is a remarkable title that has attracted the attention of the majority of experts to the discussion in this field that so far intelligence has been studied with different variables, dimensions and topics. In the present article, we have studied the early maladaptive schemas and their impact on interpersonal intelligence and social interactions.Method: For this purpose, using a review and descriptive method, we benefited from in-depth research in related fields. We also conducted a descriptive research questionnaire on Yang's early maladaptive schemas.findings: Self-blame variables; the reception ; Abandonment, instability, mistrust, social isolation, imperfection and shame; Positive reassessment; And other variables were examined. As a result, we found that maladaptive schemas of social isolation, disability and shame have the greatest impact on the weakness of our interpersonal intelligence, and this cycle begins at birth and in social life. We will be effective.
Background and Purpose: The phenomenon of intelligence is a remarkable title that has attracted the attention of the majority of experts to the discussion in this field that so far intelligence has been studied with different variables, dimensions and topics. In the present article, we have studied the early maladaptive schemas and their impact on interpersonal intelligence and social interactions.Method: For this purpose, using a review and descriptive method, we benefited from in-depth research in related fields. We also conducted a descriptive research questionnaire on Yang's early maladaptive schemas.findings: Self-blame variables; the reception ; Abandonment, instability, mistrust, social isolation, imperfection and shame; Positive reassessment; And other variables were examined. As a result, we found that maladaptive schemas of social isolation, disability and shame have the greatest impact on the weakness of our interpersonal intelligence, and this cycle begins at birth and in social life. We will be effective.
Keywords :
Schema, Early maladaptive schemas, Intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Social interactions, Schema therapy, Jeffrey Young.
Schema, Early maladaptive schemas, Intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Social interactions, Schema therapy, Jeffrey Young.