Today: Thursday, 13 March 2025


Consequences of covid-19 on anxiety disorders, specifically separation anxiety disorder in individuals after the removal of restraints
Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 31 - 34
Author(s) : Ali Rezaee* 1 , Maryam Abdoli 2

1 Malayer Islamic Azad university

2 Islamic Azad university

Abstract :
In this article, the events of the corona virus epidemic, which took people's lives all over the world out of their usual routine, and the effect of this virus on the human psyche, even after the end of the restrictions announced by the World Health Organization, are examined. The research method in this article is a prospective study that has been worked on in the process of mining. The main focus of this article is on the anxiety conditions of covid and the increase in anxiety disorders, including separation anxiety disorder , which increased during the corona epidemic and with the end of the restrictions, this disorder continued its trend and not only had a decreasing trend but was also increasing. By examining the articles that were written in the field of separation anxiety disorders and by examining the trend of the statistics that the World Health Organization gives us before and after the global control conditions, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a solution to the problem of anxiety disorders should be found as soon as possible. Consider separation anxiety disorder. In this article, we have tried to bring some examples of solutions that can reduce this type of disorder.
Keywords :
Separation anxiety disorder“, covid-19“, anxiety disorders
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