Today: Friday, 21 February 2025
Educational Science
The Relationship between Economic Status, Employment, and Academic Achievement of Female Students Aged 20 to 25 at Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
Volume 6, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 80 - 85
1 Bachelor\'s Graduate in Psychology, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
The economic and social transformations in recent years and the increasing demand for human resources have led to greater employment among students. This shift has resulted in students spending more time on social and economic activities outside the university environment, affecting their academic conditions and quality. This study examines the relationship between economic status, employment, and the academic progress of female students aged 20 to 25 at Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, in the year 2025. This descriptive-correlational study involved all female students aged 20 to 25 at the university. Forty employed and forty unemployed female students were selected using convenience sampling. The research tools included the Social-Economic Status (SES) Questionnaire by Ghodratnama (2013), the Students' Work and Job Issues Questionnaire by Kolaki (2010), and the Academic Achievement Questionnaire by Fame and Taylor (1990). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient). The findings indicate a significant and direct relationship between economic status and academic achievement among both employed and unemployed students, suggesting that improved economic conditions enhance academic progress. Moreover, there is an inverse relationship between employment and academic achievement among employed students.
The economic and social transformations in recent years and the increasing demand for human resources have led to greater employment among students. This shift has resulted in students spending more time on social and economic activities outside the university environment, affecting their academic conditions and quality. This study examines the relationship between economic status, employment, and the academic progress of female students aged 20 to 25 at Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, in the year 2025. This descriptive-correlational study involved all female students aged 20 to 25 at the university. Forty employed and forty unemployed female students were selected using convenience sampling. The research tools included the Social-Economic Status (SES) Questionnaire by Ghodratnama (2013), the Students' Work and Job Issues Questionnaire by Kolaki (2010), and the Academic Achievement Questionnaire by Fame and Taylor (1990). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient). The findings indicate a significant and direct relationship between economic status and academic achievement among both employed and unemployed students, suggesting that improved economic conditions enhance academic progress. Moreover, there is an inverse relationship between employment and academic achievement among employed students.
Keywords :
Economic status, academic achievement, employment
Economic status, academic achievement, employment