Today: Friday, 21 February 2025


"Effectiveness of mania control and cognitive behavioral therapy on dysfunctional attitudes and exam anxiety in Zabol University of Medical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy students"
Volume 6, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 1 - 17
Author(s) : Raha Siasar* 1 , Alaheh Harati 2 , Fatemeh Miri 3

1 PhD in Educational Psychology, Azad University

2 Master\'s student in psychology

3 Master\'s student in psychology

Abstract :
This research was conducted in order to investigate the effectiveness of mania control and cognitive behavioral therapy on dysfunctional attitudes and exam anxiety in Zabul University of Medical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy students. The research method of this experimental study and the design used in this research was a pre-test-post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of the research was the students of Zabul University of Medical Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy. The research sample was 100 students who were randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups. The measurement tools are clinical interview and Spielberger's test anxiety questionnaire and Young's Mania Control Questionnaire. As a result, the use of these treatment methods can be effective in improving exam anxiety and student satisfaction and reducing their manic problems. Group-based cognitive behavioral therapy has been effective in reducing anxiety and increasing responsibility. The results of this research emphasize the effectiveness of combined group therapy (exposure therapy and stress control) in the treatment of social anxiety disorder.
Keywords :
effectiveness, mania control, cognitive behavioral therapy, dysfunctional attitudes, test anxiety
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