Today: Thursday, 13 March 2025


Parental aggression and its relationship with student depression
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 91 - 106
Author(s) : Mohammad Khabiri* 1 , Seyed Ali Hosseini 2

1 Undergraduate student of Farhangian University, Pakenjad Martyrs Campus, Yazd

2 Master of Sociology, Yazd University, lecturer at Farhangian University, Pakenjad Martyrs Campus, Yazd

Abstract :
Today, our perception of depression is very different from the past due to new knowledge about the roots and cognitive and behavioral causes of mood disorders. Based on new findings, depression can in many cases have residual effects of insecurity of attachment and parent-child relationship in the early years of life. Depressed children generally suffer from unfavorable living environment and especially from poor communication with parents. Van Wagner says failure to form secure attachments in the first months of life can have negative effects on childhood and adulthood behaviors. People who have been diagnosed with depressive disorder and anxiety disorders often have attachment problems and a history of early childhood abuse, neglect, or trauma. Emphasizing the importance of the mother-child relationship, Balbi believes that many forms of psychological distress and personality disorders are the result of the child being deprived of maternal care or the instability of the child's relationship with the attachment face. Balbi emphasizes the importance of maternal behavior style and its effect on the child's attachment. At the end of childhood and early adolescence, the mother is the main face of attachment and children (especially girls) seek refuge in the mother in the face of stressors and anxiety. The mother's failure to establish a sensitive, responsive group relationship in the first year of life creates persistent mood and behavioral problems in the child. Any mother-child exchange gap can have a decisive negative impact on the child's personality development and lead to more or less severe pathological disorders in the future. Different environments of human life have a great impact on the formation of human personality and characteristics, and according to the conditions that are provided or arise for human beings, he is gradually affected by them, and after a while, these influences It can appear in him in the form of a personality trait. For this reason, the researcher examines and compares the extent of one of the personality traits, namely aggression, according to the different living conditions of housewives and employees. In this way, to find out whether the family and office environment is effective in increasing or decreasing this personality phenomenon or not.
Keywords :
Aggression, Depression, Parents, Students, Personality Disorder.
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